Thursday 18 May 2017

Captain Robert Foster Dill

From the 1914-1918 InvizionZone Website:

15 April 1915 Announcement

Robert Foster Dill (1883-1915)
It is officially announced that Capt. Robert Foster Dill, DSO, 129th DCO Baluchis, Indian Army, was killed in action on 11th April. He was the second son of the Very Rev. Marcus Dill, D.D., ex-Moderator of the Church of Scotland. Having received his education at Marlborough College and the RMC Sandhurst, he obtained a commission in the Indian Army in 1904 and was gazetted to his Captaincy in 1912. On the outbreak of the war, his regiment, along with the Lahore Division, arrived in France and it has since then been at the front. In Oct., when fighting in the trenches, he was wounded, but in a few weeks he was able to return to his military duty. For his brilliant conduct on that occasion he was mentioned in dispatches of the C-in-C, and His Majesty bestowed upon him the D.S.O. Capt. Dill was married in 1913 to Margaret Douglas, daughter of General Pengelley, RMA.

Robert Foster Dill was a x2 great grandson of Susanna West of Downpatrick.

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