Thursday 5 October 2017

Fearful Accident: Four Lives Lost.

The following report is dated, 1835 and describes how a lion and tigress escaped from the caravan at Worksworth. It was reported that three sheep, one cow, a man, a woman and her child, an eleven-year old boy all died as a result. From this, the conclusion was apparently drawn that: ‘Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Wombwell for the promptness he displayed on hearing the melancholy accident. He expressed the utmost concern, ordered the funerals of the sufferers to take place at his expense, and promised to make good all damages arising from the melancholy event.’ 

Questions have also been raised as to whether the carnage described ever took place. And as to how likely the story of the kangaroo tucking itself up into the spare bed of an old woman is to be entirely true... who knows - but it must have made for fabulous press at the time.

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