Friday 8 September 2017

Sophia Wombwell: Daughter of Maria West

Sophia Wombwell was born out of wedlock in around 1801 in St. Marylebone the daughter of Richard Wombwell and Maria West. In 1837, she married a mariner, Richard Wallace in Rotherhithe:

Richard died young, in 1840, and Sophia remarried in 1858 to James Feast, a butcher, in Lambeth. James Feast also makes a cameo appearance in the Robinson vs. Neal courtcase in 1865 when the contents of Sophia’s will were being disputed. 

It seems that James had allied himself with Thomas Carter, the husband of Sophia’s favourite niece, Catherine West Robinson to prevent Sophia’s legacy being divided amongst all her sister Harriett’s children. Sophia herself had no children, and had died in 1863. 

The 1861 census provides a slight insight into the drama though. Living with, or at least staying with James and Sophia was the very Catherine West Robinson who was shortly to marry Thomas Carter. It does indeed seem to have been a special relationship that Sophia had with this particular niece. 

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