Tuesday 30 January 2018

Complete Version of the Hetty Jane Owen Family History

In putting all this work together, I initially worked in manuscript form to produce a first draft of the project as a whole. The Family History Blog was then opened, and provided a platform to organise sources, and then through the 'diary entries' revise the manuscript, and double-check information as I proceeded. Operating then in reverse, the next version of the manuscript was updated from the Blog, working on the same principles of checking, verifying, and proof-reading and polishing. In both the cases of the Blog and the manuscript, I have tried to maintain a narrative structure. That type of linearity is certainly easy to lose track of within the maze of a blogging platform. On the other hand, for those interested only in certain parts of the story, the labelling of surnames provides a useful tool just to dip into particular connections.

If anyone is interested enough to access the manuscript as a whole, I am happy to provide it in an 'e-reader' format, meaning in a compressed pdf file, which I can send to interested parties through a simple file transfer system. This file can be downloaded to a computer or pad, and printed out as a book in black and white or colour format and bound into an A4 book. The quality is perfectly good enough for day-to-day reading or browsing, and I am happy to share this book with others, subject only to a few minor caveats, or rather understandings:

1. I have tried as much as possible and as a matter of principle to reference and source material within the text as I have proceeded.
2. I have not, however, gone into copyright law in a big way, at least not to the extent that a commercial publication would demand.
3. I have relied on the goodwill of family history researchers who have shared their insights publicly already and thus indicated implicitly that they do not object to the same material being shared on more widely.
4. I do suggest that readers on a key genealogical mission check with available sources and confirm and corroborate facts before adopting for their own purposes what they find in this work.

Just drop me a line at johneldr@gmail.com and I will send you the complete file by return.

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