Wednesday 13 December 2017

Brotherly Concern

...Then, dearest, Maria, pledge me your troth that as true as I am to you so you will be to me – in a word constant to me, Maria – and, when dearest we have given each other our word to this… we shall be able to stand all trials with ease and fortitude – you know, beloved, I have proved my love to you both in word and in deed, and now pledge it to you as I have done before – why, dearest, why should you… why not frankly confess with me that our love is knitted together and that our happiness depends on the other. – I hope dearest your next sweet note will not be silent on this point, as we know not when we may… do let me entreat you beloved Maria to settle this question – when you write next. You know, dear Maria, we have been expecting to hear from my brother, Ted. The ship has been… ever since last Tuesday – they have lost their anchors and had very bad weather. I have just heard my dear brother has been ill the whole of the voyage home and is not able to write, so as you suppose, our dear mother is low in spirits – we expect him up at 6.00 tonight as she was just below Gravesend this morning.

A little incident happened on Sunday which you will hear of no doubt as it will give an opportunity to make mischief. When I got to the bottom of the stairs…. Miss ??? was standing on the other side and I went over to shake hands with her …. He coloured beautifully red as I walked by her side along with … and Miss Chapman – as far as the end of the lane – he seemed … cross over it but I was all the more pleased at that you may suppose..

It would seem that even Thomas Edward Bradley’s line of business took him out to sea periodically, and more than evident that like it or not that the Bradleys and Robinsons moved in the same circles, and that Victorian gossip, furthermore, was transmitted at lightning speed. Note as well that the 1848-49 cholera outbreak in London was to kill over 14,000 people. Reports of ill health therefore were no trivial matter.

London Fog: From the 1849 London Illustrated News:

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