Sunday 10 December 2017

Colds and Illnesses

Blackwall, Thursday Night, 

My dearest Maria,

I hope, Dear Maria, you are not offended at my not writing last night, but I was so ill and tired that I did not write to you and I am not much better today. If you should go home this week, beloved, I hope, dearest, you will endeavour to let me know then EJ (?) and I will meet you if possible in the City at any time after 7 – try… as much… as you can, as I should like us to have a chat over sundry weighty matters before you go home.

I got home the other night about half past twelve. I walked fast but caught a … cold. I have not been out scarcely today and am very hot and sticky. I shall go to… when I have sent this in post, and hoping my dearest … a longer letter... 

and believe me to be ever, my really faithful and affectionate … little Ria, 

your own devoted and affectionate Henry Bradley.

Give my kind love to… Aunt

Henry Bradley was not deterred when he ran short of writing paper.

So, basically Henry and Maria seem to have been conducting a clandestine correspondence through which to arrange secret meetings, with, as far as one can tell, the more than willing collusion of Harriett’s sister, Sophia, more evidence that she seemed to take a peculiar pleasure in undermining her younger sister’s plans for her daughters.

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