Tuesday 12 December 2017

New Year, 1849

My dearest little Ria,

I wish you a happy new year dear Maria and hope that this year will prove a more happy one than the last one has been in many respects. I hope Aunt is well and Kate better. I got home Saturday morning about a quarter to three!! quality hours - I have had a cold ever since.. am in Thomas’.. cold today. They are all chaffing me about … Dear Maria, give my love to her … you know what … brothers are when they suspect you. I saw Mr Robinson last night and I had a good talk to him. He says he has a .. of work with them at home and may to… rent Mrs Rath.. Cottage home…. But I will tell you all when I see you.. I  told I had not seen you… He said you were at Aunt’s with Kate, who was ill . … It was then little past 12 o’clock so went to the … to see the New Year in. Your father wanted me to go but of course I didn’t. It is now half past four dear – going out… to my sisters so have not time to say more – I have … today, 

Dear Maria, My brother Tom is trying to snatch this away from me so…

This all tallies up with what we know. The favourite niece, Catherine West Carter is ill and with her aunt Sophia Wombwell. Charles John Robinson makes a fleeting appearance and is cheerful and innocently affable, to the point of inviting Henry to see the New Year in.

Nonetheless Henry feels constrained to lie to him and tell him he has not seen Maria. It is clear also that the elder Robinson sons have Henry under their eye by this point and suspect his attentions.

And furthermore, that Henry’s elder brother, Thomas Edward, would seem to have had enough of Henry mooching around the house composing forlorn love letters…

Henry Bradley's baptism at All Saints, Poplar

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