Sunday 24 December 2017

Henry Bradley Junior

The eldest son of Henry Bradley and Maria Robinson, was naturally named after his father (if nothing else, the naming conventions of the era saved everyone hours of agonizing deliberations and debates about what to call new born children). Henry junior was born in 1854 in Paddington. He got married in 1878 to an Islington girl, Louisa Elizabeth Fairbrother, and by 1881, they were living in Stoke Newington with their newly born son, Ernest Harry Bradley, then four years old. Henry junior followed in his father’s footsteps, and had started out his professional career as a Managing Clerk for a Builders’ Company – just exactly as we found his father back in 1851.

The address of Henry Junior and Louisa in 1881 - 44 Winston Road - is interesting too. This must have been some kind of family property, because two years down the line, the daughter of Henry's younger sister, Maria Rosetta Bradley, and her husband Edward Owen was to be born in this very house.

What is more, living with Henry and Louisa was Louisa’s step-sister, aged 15. Her name was Edith Chapman. Remembering that Ann Jane Chapman was the wife of Henry senior’s brother, Thomas Edward Bradley, it looks again like the extended Victorian networking system had come into play.

Louisa died young, on the 23rd February 1882 at 44 Winston Road, and it must have been this event that led to the house transferring down to Maria Rosetta Bradley. Where the widowed Henry Junior then took off to, and what happened to young Ernest Harry remain unknowns. There is however a death record for a Henry Bradley for 1900 in Poplar.

Marriage of Hetty Jane Owen’s Uncle Henry Bradley and Louisa Fairbrother

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