Thursday 2 November 2017

Mark Robinson Senior

Mark Robinson, 1722-1799
Mark and Charles’ father, Mark Robinson senior, also a naval commander had a similarly colourful career, in which he seemingly also commanded the Brilliant, as well as the Swiftsure, on which his sons were both also to serve. 

Of the elder Mark, the MorethanNelson website tells us that he joined the navy in 1736, sailed for the Leeward Islands in 1759, served for four years off North America from 1767, and then in 1774, secured Nelson’s promotion to acting lieutenant. He was involved in the Battle of Ushant in 1778, and back in the East Indies the following year. He lost his leg to cannon shot at the Battle of the Chesapeake on 5 September 1781. 

The MorethanNelson website further informs us that Mark:

 ‘…married Elizabeth Reade of Portsmouth at St. Benet and St. Peters, Pauls’ Wharf, London on 26 November 1747 and had three sons and three daughters. His eldest son, John Reade Robinson, predeceased him in June 1781 at the age of 32.’

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